I'm a

Web Developer. learner. OSU Graduate. collaborator. UCI Graduate.

Self-motivated developer with a passion for building visually appealing and interactive web and mobile interfaces.



  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Objective C
  • Dart
  • Framework & Libraries

  • Express
  • React
  • Angular
  • Nextjs
  • Database

  • MongoDB
  • SQL/SQLite
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Deployment

  • AWS
  • Firebase
  • Heroku
  • Github
  • Projects

    Travel Blog Application

    Read travel blogs from people around the world. Ask questions, share your own experience or opinions on a visited destination.

    Built with Nextjs.

    Travel Blog CMS

    Create and manage your travel blog content from the tip of your fingertips.

    Built with React

    CV Application

    Create a distinctive and professional resume in less then 15 minutes.

    Built with React and Typescript

    Pet Database

    Found a lost pet? Use the PetFinder tool to report their location and get them back home as quickly as possible.

    Built with MongoDB, Express, and EJS

    Streaming Application

    Modeled after Netflix. Packed with animations found in popular streaming applications.

    Built with HTML & Javascript

    Trivia Application

    4000+ questions over 20+ categories. Play now.

    Built with React

    Check out my other projects!